Carboxiterapia - Clínica de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva Vejarano Laser Vision - LaserVision

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Carboxiterapia - Clínica de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva Vejarano Laser Vision

Services > Cirugía Plastica y Reconstructiva > Procedimientos No Quirúrgicos
Procedimientos No Quirúrgicos (SPA)



It is one of the best therapies to fight cellulite, excess body fat, sagging, stretch marks, varicose veins and micro body and facial aging. It consists of the therapeutic use of carbon dioxide gas (CO2) subcutaneously. The CO2 can be used anywhere in the body with good results and no side effects. It is an effective therapeutic method for cellulite, weight reduction and ideal size for a woman or man of any age, effective and safe.

The Carboxytherapy acts to improve the quality of the tissue, the skin becomes smooth and grease areas become thinner. Improved results liposculpture, preventing fibrosis.

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