Pentacam HR - Clinica Oftalmológica Vejarano Laser Vision - LaserVision

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Pentacam HR - Clinica Oftalmológica Vejarano Laser Vision

Services > Oftalmología > Auxiliaries de Diagnóstico

Pentacam HR


Surveyor cornal it is for Scheimpflug modern and accurate imaging, it is the equipment with the latest technology. Performs a complete screening with the anterior segment with topographies such as curvature anterior and posterior, sagittal and tangential 3D analysis, anterior segment and taquimetrías, cataract analysis and intraocular lenses position.

It is ideal for pre-and post surgical refractive surgery, intrastromal rings, keratoconus, cross linking, cornea transplants, glaucoma (angle analysis) among others.

  • Preparation is not necessary before performing.

  • We are the only clinic in the state of Mexico with this study.

Laser Vision is the only clinic that has all the latest diagnostic tests in ophthalmology without traveling to Mexico.

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