Recuento Endotelial - Clinica Oftalmológica Vejarano Laser Vision - LaserVision

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Recuento Endotelial - Clinica Oftalmológica Vejarano Laser Vision

Services > Oftalmología > Auxiliaries de Diagnóstico

Endothelial Count


Performs counting and analysis on the size and shape of the corneal endothelial cells. It is indicated in patients using contact lenses, keratoconus, pre and post operative intrastromal ring, cross linking, for study and clinical correlation of stromal and endothelial dystrophies among others. Also reported tachymetry.

  • No preparation is necessary before performing.

  • We are the only clinic in the state of Mexico with this study.

Laser Vision is the only clinic that has all the latest diagnostic tests in ophthalmology without traveling to Mexico.

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