Oculoplástica, Blefaroplastía - Clinica Oftalmológica Vejarano Laser Vision - LaserVision

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Oculoplástica, Blefaroplastía - Clinica Oftalmológica Vejarano Laser Vision

Services > Oftalmología > Especialidades



Vejarano Laser Vision Center offers the possibility of resolving the diseases that commonly affect the eyelids and tear ducts, such as:

Normal eye


It is manifested by a decrease in upper eyelid opening, which can be unilateral or bilateral.


Eyelid entropion

It is an alteration in the position of the lower eyelid and eyelashes are in contact with the eye.

Eyelid entropion

Ectropion eyelid

It is an alteration in the position of the lower lid and the lid outwards is not in contact with the eye.

Ectropion eyelid


Excess skin or fat in the eyelids (bags on the eyelids).


Lacrimal duct obstruction

It is produced when the lacrimal is obstructed in any way on your anatomy and manifests with constant watering.

Lacrimal duct

Video (eyelids)
Video (Dermatochalasis)
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