Retinopatía Diabética - Clinica Oftalmológica Vejarano Laser Vision - LaserVision

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Retinopatía Diabética - Clinica Oftalmológica Vejarano Laser Vision

Services > Oftalmología > Especialidades

Diabetic Retinopathy


What is diabetic retinopathy?
It is the disease caused by Diabetes Mellitus in the eyes, which is a progressive decrease in the oxygen supplied to the tissues responsible for vision (retina).

What are the signs and symptoms?
Symptoms can range from mild blurred vision to complete and irreversible loss of vision (blindness), it can be associated with pain and redness.

Who is affected?
Those most affected are men and women diagnosed with diabetes for more than 5 years of evolution with or without medical treatment and especially those with glycemia (blood sugar) above 120 mg. / Dl at any time of the day.

How is it diagnosed?
With an eye examination by retinologist and is complemented by a study called Digital Angiography and OCT of macula.

How is it treated?

According to the severity of the case, the treatments include:

  • Early stages: Application of retinal laser (photocoagulation)

  • Middle phases: injection drugs (steroids and Antiangiogenic drugs)

  • Advanced stages: vitrectomy surgery

In all cases, strict control of sugar by  retinologist and endocrinologist every 3 months.

Diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of blindness in people between 20 and 65 years of age worldwide.

Poor control of diabetes CAUSE BLINDNESS: With new treatments we offer improved vision.

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